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Noreena Hertz

Producing spot-on economic predictions

Noreena Hertz is a decision-making guru, bestselling author and strategist who advises some of the world’s top CEOs and Presidents on economic, geopolitical and business decisions.

Noreena Hertz is a much sought-after commentator on television and radio, Hertz contributes to a wide range of publications and networks including The BBC, CNN, CNBC, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Beast, the Financial Times, the Guardian, The Washington Post, The Times of London, Wired, and Nature. She has given Keynote Speeches at TED and The World Economic Forum, as well as for leading global corporations, and has shared platforms with such luminaries as President Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Ken Robinson.

Noreena Hertz graduated from university at the age of 19. By the age of 23 she was advising the Russian government on its economic reforms. At the age of 29 she was working with the governments of Israel, Egypt, Palestine, and Jordan on the Middle East Peace Process. Described by the Observer as ”one of the world’s leading young thinkers”, Vogue as ”one of the world’s most inspiring women” and on the Cover of Newsweek’s September 30th 2013 issue, Noreena is known for her visionary ideas.

Artificial Intelligence
Noreena Hertz came to the field of AI early. In 2013 she put together a major machine learning initiative that looked at whether – by deploying Artificial Intelligence – she was able to predict elections better than pollsters. She was! Since then she have continued researching AI as part of her academic research. She is also involved in advising on its practical applications (and limitations) both in her roles as non-executive Board Member of Warner Music Group and in her other government and corporate advisory work. As she start working on her next book she is delving even deeper into AI.

Her books are translated into 18 languages.

Feedback about Noreena;
”Most highly rated speaker by our clients in 20 years.”Swedbank
”Inspiring speaker. Noreena’s charm, wit and intelligence made for an enthusiastic audience reaction.”Institute of Social Studies & Oxfam-Novib debate, The Hague
”Words can’t express how thankful I am for your valuable contribution in participating at the CFO Agenda! You are the true hero of the event and I seriously couldn’t have done it without you. We are proud of the positive feedback we are receiving and delighted that this event improves … words truly can’t express how appreciative I am.”
”We received loads of great feedback from our delegates for Noreena Hertz’s session on seeing risk through an opportunistic lens.”
”It was worth coming to the CFO Agenda just to hear Noreena Hertz speak!”
”Great presentation!”
”A fascinating keynote by Noreena Hertz at the CFO Agenda highlighting the increasing risk in our business environments.”
”I thought your talk was very insightful, in particular with regard to generation K … You gave everyone a lot of food for thought and my own colleagues (who are a tough bunch to please) thought your session really stood out.”

photo credits: Marc Nolte

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