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Bengt Gejrot - föreläsare - Speakers&friends

Bengt Gejrot

The Future of B2B sales is here and it´s called Value Based selling 4.0

Bengt Gejrot is one of Scandinavia’s leading sales lecturers. Over the past years Bengt has worked successfully to develop the sales process for several Nordic and Global companies. His seminars, workshops and trainings have been carried out in 31 countries on 5 continents.

The information explosion of today creates completely new challenges in the B2B Sales process. For the first time, the customer is almost as well-informed as you are about your market offer, and at the same time, on your competitors’. Future sales require Sales reps who understand how to create value for their solutions, have an insight in their customers business situation and, maybe most important, know how to make themselves and their customers more successful.

Bengt lectures on:
• Value Based Selling 4.0
• The future of B2B sales
• Trust – the key to success
• Success in sales is not a coincident; Monitor your sales activities!
• Businessman skill, business acumen

Bengt Gejrot’s knowledge, sales experiences and enthusiasm creates a lecture that gives insights, motivation and laughs.

”Thanks for your sales training in Moscow! The response from customers was very positive. Viktor greeted ”Do vstrechi”, which means see you soon!” Diana Mårdbrink, International Marketing & Sales Manager, Wall Vision

”I would like to thank you for a very positive and energetic 2 day meeting. Of course, the behaviour changes must now begin! Thank you and from all of the NA team, we wish great success and happiness in the future.” John Monetti Vice President – North America, World Courier, an AmerisourceBergen company

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När du har klart för dig vad du är ute efter och inom vilka ramar, är du varmt välkommen att kontakta oss för att berätta mer och få rådgivning gällande evenemanget du ska hålla. Lättast är om du ringer till oss.

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Bengt Gejrot - föreläsare - Speakers&friends

Bengt Gejrot

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