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Brett King

Calling All Banks to Innovate

The best-selling author of the groundbreaking book Bank 2.0, Brett King is the founder of the first direct mobile bank in the US and UK (Movenbank), and is a strategic advisor to the world’s leading financial services organizations.

Brett King is a sought after expert on innovation, technology disruption, customer experience, and channel distribution strategy. He publishes regularly in his role as industry advisor on The Huffington Post, Internet Evolution, FinExtra, and his personal blog, Banking4Tomorrow.com. He has recently been featured on Bloomberg TV, BBC, CNBC, as well as in The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and The Economist.

Brett attends around 60 high profile events annually as renowned industry commentator. Your public or internal corporate conference or event may benefit from the insights of one of the most respected commentators on customer experience in financial services today. Highly entertaining, with rich presentations complemented by up-to-the-minute case studies, video and rich imagery – often voted as speaker of the conference, Brett is sure to leave you with a memorable and impactful keynote session.

Brett King also a runs a niche strategic advisory firm, User Strategy, and is a Board Advisor at Geezeo, a leading software services provider for banks and credit unions. He advises IAFM, the International Academy of Financial Management™ (previously known as the American Academy of Financial Management). As one of the founders of IAFM, one of the world’s fastest growing professional associations with more than 200,000 members, associates, and affiliates in 145 countries, King was instrumental in the development of the worldwide certification training provided by IAFM.

Previously, Brett King led the Asia division for Modem Media/Digitas (part of the Publicis group) managing revenues in excess of $10 million.

BANK 4.0: Banking Everywhere but a Bank

We already know that banking is something you do and not somewhere you go. But as we see the emphasis on web turn to mobile turn to voice turn to AI, we have run into a glut of confusing innovation with reiteration.

What are the First Principles of design and experience?

Are we reiterating old solutions without realizing that new tech may have eliminated the need and changed the landscape of the problems?

How do we shed legacy technology that isn’t serving us, and embrace technologies as they appear without wasting money on reiteration and avoiding clunky transition?

How do we keep First Principles at the core of serving customers and growing our business?

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