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Daniel E. Martin

Compassionate leaders & organizations: Building Community.

Daniel E. Martin, Ph.D. is the creator of CST (platform, applications, research and design) as well as Associate Professor of Management at California State University and Director of Research at the Charter for Compassion. Currently a consulting scientist and formerly a Visiting Associate Professor at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University and a Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Study of Law & Society at UC Berkeley.

He has worked with private, public and non-profit organizations on pre-employment selection, training, and organizational assessment. Dan has over 20 years international experience as human resources-industrial/organizational psychology consultant and researcher for wide range of organizations (American Express, World Health Organization, US Federal Government, NCS Pearson).

With a high volume of research, publishing, consulting and teaching, Dan consults with organizations in EEO, selection, training, compensation, job analysis, performance management, evaluation and recruitment. Much of his work over the past several years has been dedicated to Web based psychological interventions. He regularly addresses international conference & business audiences in a variety of industries. His research interests include: compassion, social capital, ethical behavior, racism and prejudice, human resources assessment, religiosity, spirituality and humor. Dan has been an invited speaker at Stanford University many times, 2 TEDx programs, Tällberg Fourm and many other venues internationally. Dan is published in a range of journals including Journal of Business Ethics, Personnel Review, Human Organization, Ethics and Behavior, and the Journal of Applied Psychology. Current research streams investigate compassion interventions as well as the impact of ideology on compassion and psychological well-being. His current applied work on the use of untapped social capital to ameliorate social problems serve as a research, skills development and assessment platform. Dan holds a Ph.D. in Social and Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Howard University.

Dan would never pat himself on the back, but student comments like “Dr. Martin is great, passionate about teaching and prepares students for real world.”, “I LOVED being in Dr. Martin’s class!!!! He is one of the most inspirational teachers I have ever had!!!”, “He is an amazing and the most lively instructor whom I’ve ever met. His class is very interesting, and he shares a lot of his experience. He loves to listen to your thoughts and experience too.” and “The best professor I’ve ever had for lectures.” speak to his humor, intellectual approach, consideration and the appreciation he has for his audiences.


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