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Cliff Hazell

Beyond Copy Paste Agile – become a leader worth following

Embark on a transformative journey beyond conventional agile methodologies with Cliff Hazell, a seasoned coach and expert in organizational transformation. Delve into Cliff’s wealth of experience and practical insights that have propelled leaders at scaleups to overcome challenges, integrate diverse functions, and foster sustainable habits for growth.

With over two decades of experience, Cliff Hazell has dedicated himself to dismantling barriers obstructing exceptional work. His journey includes leadership roles at Spotify in Stockholm and co-founding the Flight Levels Academy in 2019. He now focuses on coaching rapidly scaling organizations, guiding them to create focus, find leverage, and build habits.

As a founder, manager, and coach, Cliff has witnessed firsthand what works and what doesn’t in various organizational settings. He leverages this extensive knowledge to help clients avoid common pitfalls and learn from proven experiences.

Throughout his leadership journey spanning large and small organizations in tech, product, finance, and marketing, Cliff has recognized the value of integrating all aspects of operations, rather than focusing solely on fixing isolated issues. His expertise lies in assisting organizations in building systems that drive efficiency and productivity, allowing them to function smoothly even in his absence. More than just offering guidance and theoretical concepts, Cliff empowers his clients by teaching them practical strategies, ensuring they can continue to thrive independently.

Cliff’s client portfolio includes renowned tech, finance, and software organizations such as Danske Bank, Monzo, Investec, Sportradar, CHS, and the Canadian Broadcasting Company. He frequently engages with project management and HR learning and development functions, drawing from his rich experience at Spotify and Flight Levels Academy.

A sought-after speaker, Cliff delivers keynote speeches worldwide, shares valuable insights at company events, and is a regular guest on podcasts and meetups. With Cliff Hazell as your guide, you’ll not only navigate challenges but also unlock the full potential of your organization.


Presentations and talks with Cliff Hazell:
Beyond Copy Paste Agile – unlocking organizational potential

In the quest for agility, many companies hastily adopt agile practices without considering the broader organizational landscape, often leading to lackluster results. Cliff Hazell, drawing from his extensive experience coaching leaders at Spotify, sheds light on the pitfalls of superficially copying agile methods.

This presentation delves into the importance of understanding organizational dynamics and engaging leadership to drive meaningful change. Through three key lenses — Sapiens, Science and Systems — Cliff explores the significance of creating a supportive environment, enhancing understanding of organizational complexities, and fostering collaboration between teams to maximize effectiveness.

  1. Sapiens – How creating a healthy environment unlocks our potential.
  2. Science – How to improve our understanding of what works and what doesn’t.
  3. Systems – How building effective interaction between teams produces more effective results.


Key Takeaways:

  • Where to look besides the team level when you want to level up your business.
  • How to find the highest leverage improvement actives, to avoid working hard and rather be smart.
  • How designing around our biases and defaults, creates habits that sustain and amplify our successes.

Target Audience:

Ideal audience includes mid to senior level managers and change leaders. Basic familiarity with product development, agile methodologies, and software practices is assumed.


Tailored presentations

In addition to ”Beyond Copy Paste Agile”, Cliff offers customized presentations tailored to suit specific audience needs and interests, ensuring an engaging and impactful experience for all participants.


Discover engaging talks on agile transformation and organizational excellence!
– Contact Speakers&friends to secure Cliff Hazell as your next speaker!


Cliff Hazell - föreläsare - Speakers&friends - pressbild  Cliff Hazell - föreläsare- Speakers&friends - foto:Rait Tuulas och Jonas Aman

Image 2, credits: Rait Tuulas and Jonas Aman.


Selected references:

”Cliff’s talk was mentioned many times, a lot of people wrote that it was the best out of all the agile conferences. So thank you for making this happen – this was a great gift for our community!”
Julia Västrik, Estonia

”Your talk was not only amusing, clear and interesting, it was also extremely helpful! I immediately changed the structure of our scrum board and stand ups.”
Ellen Bernaers, Belgium

”Cliff is a strategic, ’outside the box’ thinker, who is willing to challenge the status-quo and ask the difficult questions. As part of our senior management team, Cliff was instrumental in implementing structure and processes in the Product and Development space. I gained valuable insight from his knowledge in this area.”
Annette Lang

”Cliff’s business maturity belies his age. He constantly seeks higher levels of competence in his domain of work, and undertakes research and reflective thinking in order to build his expertise. I enjoyed exchanging ideas with Cliff since his natural curiosity meant he sought to understand diverse topics and viewpoints. Cliff has an open mind and an easy-going personality, it was a pleasure working with him.”
Soraya Mohideen

”Cliff Hazell has an exceptionally keen insight into the various elements of product creation and management. From Development practices to bringing product to market and defining the surrounding metrics, Cliff in extremely knowledgeable on the correct practices and principles. Cliff was a fantastic boss and continues to provide valuable insight and support as a mentor and friend.”
Nicholas McCreath



Interview, Xagility – Cliff Hazell on Spotify lessons, growing scale-ups, survivorship bias & dark sides of transparency

Cliff Hazell at Lean Agile London 2022 – Beyond Copy Paste Agile – Building the missing links between Strategy and Operational Agility


Press images:

Image 1

Image 2

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